


Essentials of Global Mental Health

Edited By Samuel O. Okpaku


ISBN: 978-1-107-02232-4


This text defines an approach to mental health care focused on the provision of evidence-based, cost-effective treatments, founded on the principles of sharing the best information about common problems and achieving international equity in coverage, options, and outcomes.


The coverage spans a diverse range of topics and defines five priority areas for the field. These embrace the domains of global advocacy, systems of development, research progress, capacity building, and monitoring. The book concludes by defining the steps to achieving equality of care globally.



Clinical Methods in Transcultural Psychiatry

Edited By Samuel O. Okpaku


ISBN: 978-0-880-48710-8


As the international community shrinks into a global village, cultures mix, meld, and blur, presenting psychiatric professionals with new challenges: a growing number of patients of different nationalities, ethnicities, and backgrounds. These sociocultural identities, so integral to personality, must be recognized and taken into account when diagnosing and treating mental illness. This is the premise behind transcultural psychiatry.






Mental Health In Africa And The Americas Today

Edited By Samuel O. Okpaku


ISBN: 0-916085-01-5


This comprehensive collection of papers raises fundamental questions about the future of psychiatry in a global society, which is faced with increasing stress, family disruptions and shrinking resources. The papers collected here were presented at the first joint meeting of the African Psychiatric Association, American Psychiatric Association and Blacks Psychiatrists of America in 1986 at Nairobi, Kenya. Written by outstanding mental health professionals from several cultures, the book emphasizes the low priority of mental health as a component of public health services. In addition the book underscores the importance of the role of mental health services delivery as an integral part of primary health care.


This is a volume of historic significance, as well as a ready-reference with professional and practical value. Mental health professionals, practitioners and policy makers engaged in contemporary multicultural and transcultural settings will find this book to be a vivid description of mental health in African, American and Caribbean societies - a welcome addition to their continuing education.







Sex Orgasm and Depression

Authored By Samuel O. Okpaku


ISBN: 0-916085-00-7


The need for a book of this nature was realized during the period of the Women's Liberation Movement in the United States was on the rise, and gathering momentum for the struggles that lie ahead. At that time both men and women debated real or apparent problems that had surfaced as a direct result of the various activities connected with the movement.